1. Disloyal Order Of Water Buffaloes
2. I Don’t Care
3. She’s My Winona
4. America’s Suitehearts
5. Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet
6. The
7. (Coffee’s For Closers)
8. What A Catch, Donnie
9. 27
10. Tiffany Blews
11. w.a.m.s.
12. 20 Dollar Nose Bleed
13. West Coast Smoker
14. Beat It
Once you’ve won the lottery you don’t go throwing the same parties you used to when you were on a two-cans-of-cider student budget–you lay on a spread, you let people know what you’re packing these days. It’s a sentiment that runs right through Folie À Deux, Fall Out Boy’s fifth and most audacious studio album. Having already expanded their sonic palette way beyond emo with 2007’s mega-selling Infinity On High (and to a much more successful extent than peers Panic At The Disco with their mainstream-chasing Pretty. Odd.) they really go for broke here, not only racking up track after track of glitteringly anthemic sing-along action–while also somehow managing not to betray the muscle that made them famous in the first place–but also visibly parading a line of notable guests in case you were any doubt as to their status as rock A-listers. Elvis Costello, Travis McCoy and members of The Academy Is… and Panic At The Disco crop up in cameos on Aerosmith-esque ballad “What A Catch, Donnie”, all singing lines from previous Fall Out Boy tracks. We told you it was audacious. Lil’ Wayne stamps some style on the Michael Jackson pop verse of “Tiffany Blews” and Debbie Harry duets the album to a close on “West Coast Smoker”. Elsewhere, out of the VIP room, “America’s Suiteharts” still gets noticed by walking over ELO’s “Mr Blue Sky” in Foo Fighters’ boots and “I Don’t Care” throbs like the tattooed cousin of “Spirit In The Sky”. —James Berry