Dr. Wolff has a long tradition in cosmetic research and have succeeded in developing caffeine products which help to prevent hereditary hair loss in men. Why hair loss? 80% of cases of hair loss are hereditary. With the baldness gene, men inherit a hypersensitivity to testosterone, the problem that causes hair loss. This is not just inherited through the father but also the mother. So even though hair loss is preprogrammed from birth and is therefore considered inevitable, you can use Alpecin Caffeine to do something against it. When used correctly and in the long term, Alpecin can fight hereditary hair loss and prevent baldness.
The caffeine-containing active ingredient combination of Alpecin cancels out the inherited undesirable effect of testosterone. As a result, the growth phases extend to their natural length again and hair growth becomes possible well into old age. Use one caffeine-containing product every day.
Alpecin SPORT Caffeine Shampoo CTX Men who push themselves to the physical limit when doing sports often experience hair loss. During high intensity exercise the muscles consume a lot of energy and the body saves energy elsewhere, for example at the hair roots. Hair loss could be the result, as the hair root itself is a high-performance organ that requires lots of energy. Alpecin Sport Caffeine Shampoo is the ideal choice for men who are physically active. Thanks to its special combination of active ingredients – Alpecin caffeine, taurine and the micronutrients biotin, zinc, magnesium and calcium – it recharges the hair roots. This prevents hair loss, promotes hair growth and gives hair more grip. Alpecin Caffeine Shampoo with taurine and micronutrients for increased energy demands High energy demands due to exercise can weaken the hair roots so there is a risk of hair loss The Sport Shampoo with Alpecin Caffeine, taurine Daily workput for your hair! Information for competitive athletes: Alpecin Caffeine can be detected in hair follicles Shampoo Application: Massage in during washing, leave on for 2 minutes before rinse out . Apply daily