Metal Gear Solid returns with a highly anticipated release. Ever since the E3 demo people have been asking, is the Phantom Pain the new Metal Gear Solid title. The espionage action behind Ground Zeroes promises to deliver dynamic and more complicated play techniques that will allow gamers to silently overcome their enemies without raising an alert. The first game on the FOX Engine Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes is currently slated for released on current generation consoles but next gen consoles haven t been taken completely off the table either.    The Phantom Pain will introduce new aspects to the game such as:    A new open-world game design    Realtime weather    Realistic passage of time    A variety of ways to navigate the vast new environments within the game In addition to the franchises returning characters, such as Snake, Kazuhira Miller, Ocelot, and Emmerich, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will introduce all new characters to the Metal Gear universe. The storyline will focus on dark themes that portray the ugliness and tragedy of war, as a legendary hero falls from grace. Day One Edition Includes: Snake Costume – Fatigues (Blue Urban) Weapon – Adam-Ska Special Shield – Personal Ballistic Shield (Silver) Cardboard Box – Cardboard Box (Wetland)
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain – Day 1 Edition (PS4)
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SKU: B00D781HS6
Category: PC and Video Games
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