Dropshipping is a great way of supplying stock to your customers. It can allow you to process orders more quickly and you don’t need to worry about storing the products because they are sent directly to the customer! But there are also a few things to be aware of before you introduce this to your business.
Just like sourcing a wholesale supplier you need to look out for prices and ensure you are getting the best deal
Ensure you do your homework by visiting websites and looking out for reviews
When dealing with a dropshipping company you should always ask about the packaging. This will be sent directly to your customer so your details should be listed on there! Ensure you are able to include your contact details and logo
It’s crucial that you assess whether their stock is appropriate. As well as sourcing competitive prices you should try and find a dropshipping company that can supply a versatile range of products
There are a few other factors to consider – for more ideas read our article choosing a dropshipping company.
If you believe dropshipping is something you want to explore why not browse our wholesale directory for dropshipping companies.