Trading Advice

Preparing for Black Friday

Black Friday is one of the busiest shopping days of the year in America.

Traditionally the Friday after Thanksgiving, Black Friday entices customers into buying by offering huge discounts to kick start the holiday shopping season. Retailers open extremely early to face demand from customers and it is as popular as Boxing Day sales are in the UK.

The rise of online retailers has also led to Sofa Sunday. Sofa Sunday refers to the Sunday after Black Friday, where consumers surf the net on their tablet computers looking for online deals. This is particularly of interest to wholesale buyers – especially if you have your own e-Commerce site or are using sites like eBay. This weekend is one of the busiest of the year for online shoppers.

A lot can be learnt from how retailers in America attract their customers and boost sales during Black Friday.


Retailers attract customers by doing research and preparing their stock. By looking at customer trends and popular products, retailers can ensure they have good stock levels in order to keep up with customer demand. Similarly, wholesale buyers should do this during peak shopping periods. If a customer can’t buy from you they will go to your competitor. Stock control and preparation is vital.


To beat competition retailers slash the prices during Black Friday and other holiday seasons. Promotions are extremely popular with consumers and can lead to more sales. To ensure you can offer the best prices spend time finding the most competitive wholesale suppliers.

Extra Mile

Going the extra mile during busy periods is essential if you want to stand out from the crowd. Offering attractive delivery options, spending time updating your website and product descriptions and networking will help to attract new customers.

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