Running a successful reselling business takes a lot of commitment, especially if you’re working alone.
Keeping motivated is essential but it can be tough to motivate yourself every day.
But if you’re finding your workload isn’t being whittled down or you’re not sourcing and reselling as many products as you could be, then it could be time to look at your own productivity levels and to make some improvements to it. Here are a few ways you can improve your productivity and hopefully your profit margins too:
Set a To-Do-List
One of the best things you can do to help improve your productivity is to set a to-do-list. Writing down the tasks ahead of you can not only help you to maintain focus but it can also help you to set your priorities and hit your deadline. At the start of your working week set aside some time in the morning to plan out your weekly structure. Have you got any meetings to attend? Have you got a lot of packaging to get through? Do you need to take an afternoon out to visit the post office and post stock? Try to think of every single task you’ll be facing that week and write them all down. Next you can start to plan out your working week – planning different tasks for different days. Allocate yourself time slots to complete your tasks and once completed tick them off your to-do-list. This will help you to keep on top of your current work and will also make you feel more productive.
Take Regular Breaks
It sounds strange doesn’t it – breaks to be more productive? But regular breaks are essential. They are needed for health reasons (staring at a screen all day is never good) and they can also help you to maintain motivation. If you sit at your desk listing items on eBay all day you’ll probably find your motivation lacking and you’ll probably find that you’re not completing your tasks as efficiently as you could be. To maintain motivation work for a certain amount of time – for example one hour – and then take a short break to refresh and recharge your batteries.
Keep in Contact with Wholesalers
To increase your efficiency when it comes to purchasing goods you should try to stay in regular contact with wholesale suppliers. Keeping in touch with wholesalers will help you to be aware of product trends and the latest deals. Building a relationship with your wholesale suppliers should also mean you can negotiate prices more effectively which is obviously important for your all round profit making opportunities.
Keep Distractions at Bay
If you have your smart phone next to your desk all day then you could be tempted to catch up with your social media contacts and you could find yourself getting distracted. Try to minimise your distractions by setting a work place atmosphere. Have your work essentials around you and try to work in a quiet location where you can concentrate. This will not only make you more productive but it will also improve your work-life balance if you work from home.