Designer clothing has always been a popular sector to get involved in. Even in these tight economic times most UK shoppers believe that clothing from the top designer brands is an essential purchase when it’s time to re-vamp the wardrobe. The demand and prices the top designers create for their products provides an ideal opportunity for re-sellers and traders to capitalise on high levels of demand.
The difficulty is that as this industry is very popular it is filled with imitation products from fake handbags to replica jeans. How do you avoid the scammers and the fakes? It is very hard to find a reliable genuine wholesaler of designer clothing and accessories but that’s where we at WholesaleScout come in. Many of our members over the past few months have expressed an interest in sourcing wholesale designer clothing so we sent our research team forward to find a reliable supplier in this sector that could provide our members with cheap designer clothing and accessories reliably and at a profitable price.
After much searching and plenty of fruitless phone calls our research staff managed to locate a wholesaler of genuine designer goods that could fulfil the demand amongst our users. They also offered some great advice for those traders looking to source genuine current season designer goods; any genuine designer clothing item or handbag that is current season will not be sold wholesale at less than 50% of the retail price – this is a general rule imposed by the design houses themselves to prevent third parties making huge mark-ups on their goods. So if you are offered current season designs at less than 50% of retail be sure to enquire as to why as if something sounds too good to be true it generally is.
The wholesaler our research team has contacted deals internationally, strictly via wholesale orders on the following brand names; Stone Island, YSL, Armani, Versace, Dolce & Gabbana (D&G), Hugo Boss, Belstaff, Lacoste, Chloe, Miu Miu, Prada, Ferragamo plus many more. This designer clothing wholesaler deals in jeans, dresses, shirts, skirts, jackets, shoes and handbags so whatever the apparel item we’re sure they can supply top quality designer goods.