The weather in the UK has been hitting record highs this summer. And with the heat wave expected to last a few more weeks, it’s a chance for resellers to assess popular stock and to try to increase their profits through product selection.
The team at Wholesale Scout are always on the look-out for new deals and products that are selling well and the team has seen a considerable increase in the purchase of fans and air conditioning units. As more and more consumers battle with the heat many will go online and visit retailers to find air conditioning stock – and there are plenty on the market.
A study last year found that, during one week last summer, sales of air conditioning units in John Lewis increased by 453 per cent. There’s an obvious market and obvious sales to be made – but what stock should you concentrate on buying and reselling?
One glance at retailers like Argos will demonstrate just how many different varieties of fans there are to choose from. Desk fans, tower fans, pedestal fans and remote control fans are just a few of the models consumers can choose from and they all vary in price – from under £10 to over £100. For resellers this provides plenty of profit making opportunities – if products are sourced at cheap wholesale prices. The team at Wholesale Scout have found one wholesaler offering a great deal on desk fans. The wholesaler has 12” electric oscillating desk fans available (while stocks last) at £11.95 per unit. The team have seen similar units being sold on retailers websites for £14.99 – so there’s a potential profit of £3 per unit to be had.
Mobile air conditioning units are popular for many businesses at this time of year but consumers also invest in equipment like this for the home. There are a number of handheld air conditioning units on the market, which allow consumers to cool themselves on the move. This could be a product market worth looking into too – to find wholesalers of products like this start browsing the site or register now to see the latest deals.