Wholesale News

Find Books at Wholesale Prices

Books can be a profitable purchase for your wholesale reselling business.

Despite the rise in popularity of e-book readers like the Kindle, traditional books are still bought on a regular basis by consumers all over the country. Whether it’s paperback or hardback, consumers still flock to high street retailers to pick up the latest release or to search for a title of their choice.

If you are looking for products to add to your inventory and to sell on, then books could be a good choice. Not only are they timeless (sold all year round) but they require very little storage space and if you’re selling online, they don’t cost a lot to package and send on to consumers. A recent survey revealed that consumers spent a total of £3.3bn on books and e-books in the UK last year so there’s definitely some profit making opportunities for resellers.

A recent wholesale case study on books on Wholesale Scout demonstrates just how much profit can be made per unit. Some books can be found from wholesale suppliers at more than half the RRP price. One book found offered a profit of £30 per five units sold.

There are wholesale suppliers offering some of the most popular books at competitive wholesale prices within our wholesale directory including Breaking Dawn from the Twilight series, cooking books and sporting books from celebrities like David Beckham.

To find these wholesale suppliers and to start stocking up on books, register now.
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