The wet weather has finally begun as the UK heads into the autumn and winter season. Many consumers will be looking to stay indoors and one of the most popular things to do during the winter is watch films.
Consumers all over the country will be looking to purchase DVDs during the cold months and this presents a profitable opportunity for wholesale buyers.
Last year the film industry contributed £4.6 billion to the UK economy and it’s still growing. With movies like Twilight, Harry Potter and The Hunger Games – the film industry continues to build a fan base of all ages.
Wholesale buyers should take note of the cold season and look at contacting relevant wholesale suppliers of wholesale DVDs. We have a list of competitive wholesale suppliers within our wholesale directory who can offer some of the best rates in order to boost your sales and maximise your return on investment.
Tip: Research the industry by looking at big releases due out this Christmas. During the next few months consumers all over the country will not only be purchasing DVDs to watch themselves, but will also be purchasing them for presents. Big releases are always held out for this time of year as the production companies know it will make the biggest amount of profit. Last year the last instalment of the Harry Potter franchise, The Deathly Hallows Part Two, was released and sold almost six million units – generating over $80million. Get involved in this booming industry by finding suppliers and stocking up in advance.